Nr |
Kod kreskowy |
Nr inw. |
Tytuł |
Autor |
1 |
10010852 |
I.9780 |
100 painters of tomorrow / |
Beers, Kurt. |
2 |
10011561 |
I.10659 |
15 stuleci : rozmowa z Wilhelmem Sasnalem / |
Sasnal, Wilhelm |
3 |
10011646 |
I.10745 |
A way of living : the art of Willem de Kooning / |
Zilczer, Judith, |
4 |
10010841 |
I.9790 |
Ai Weiwei : spatial matters : art architecture and activism / |
Weiwei, Ai |
5 |
10000192 |
I.3231 |
Akt : studium idealnej formy / |
Clark, Kenneth |
6 |
10011898 |
I.10986 |
Albis Sigmar Polke : 1963-2010 / |
Halbreich, Kathy. |
7 |
10014979 |
I.13499 |
Alien covenant : David's drawings / |
Hallett, Dane. |
8 |
10011026 |
I.9608 |
Anatomia dla artystów / |
Simblet, Sarah. |
9 |
10011900 |
I.10988 |
Andrew Wyeth In Retrospect / |
Junker, Patricia. |
10 |
10008645 |
I.8943 |
Andrzej Sadzio Sadowski- Scenograf / |
11 |
10010885 |
I.9748 |
Andrzej Wróblewski : unikanie stanów pośrednich = avoiding intermediary states / |
12 |
10011935 |
I.11023 |
Anselm Kiefer : works from The Hall Collection. |
13 |
10003506 |
I.4331 |
Anselm Kiefer / |
Spies, Werner. Koment. |
14 |
10003515 |
I.4323 |
ArchiSculpture : dialogues between Architecture and Sculpture from the Eighteenth Century to the Present Day / |
Brüderlin, Markus. Red. |
15 |
10003536 |
I.4368 |
Arcydzieła malarstwa ołtarzowego / |
Virdis, Caterina Limentani |
16 |
10010971 |
I.9670 |
Art & today / |
Heartney, Eleanor, 1954- |
17 |
10011020 |
I.9615 |
Art &ecology now / |
Brown, Andrew. |
18 |
10006767 |
I.6900 |
Art and electronic media / |
Shanken, Edward |
19 |
10002886 |
I.3236 |
Art and Feminism / |
Reckitt, Helena. Red. |
20 |
10011390 |
I.10489 |
Art now. Vol. 4 / |
21 |
10007122 |
I.6578 |
Artist in China : inside the contemporary studio / |
Tinari, Philip |
22 |
10014803 |
I.13332 |
Aubrey Beardsley : Drawings / |
23 |
10005218 |
I.5736 |
Berlin : arcydzieła malarstwa / |
Eisler, Colin T. |
24 |
10011943 |
I.11031 |
Biblia w malarstwie polskim / |
Kowalczyk, Paulina |
25 |
10014275 |
I.12850 |
Body of art / |
26 |
10011373 |
I.10472 |
Caravaggio : The Complete Works / |
Schütze, Sebastian. |
27 |
10006461 |
I.7159 |
Cave art / |
Clottes, Jean. |
28 |
10011910 |
I.10998 |
Chagall to Malevich : The Russian Avant-Gardes / |
Petrova, Evgenia. |
29 |
10001190 |
I.3433 |
Chaim Soutine : (1893-1943) : Catalogue Raisonné = Werkverzeichnis. T. 1 / |
Soutine, Chaim |
30 |
10012826 |
I.11688 |
Charles White : a retrospective / |
31 |
10011420 |
I.10519 |
Chris Johanson / |
32 |
10008465 |
I.9130 |
Christian Boltanski / |
Semin, Didier. |
33 |
10005496 |
I.5953 |
Chuck Close : work / |
Finch, Christopher. |
34 |
10011011 |
I.9622 |
Collage : The Making of Modern Art / |
Taylor, Brandon |
35 |
10011022 |
I.9613 |
Comics : a global history, 1968 to the present / |
Mazur, Dan, 1959- |
36 |
10010784 |
I.9843 |
Contemporary Chinese art / |
Hung, Wu. |
37 |
10010957 |
I.9677 |
Defining contemporary art : 25 years in 200 pivotal artworks / |
Birnbaum, Daniel, 1963- |
38 |
10011657 |
I.10756 |
Dennis Oppenheim : Body to Performance 1969-73 |
Kaye, Nick. |
39 |
10011932 |
I.11020 |
Djerbahood : le musée de street art à ciel ouvert = open-air museum of street art / |
Ben Cheikh, Mehdi |
40 |
10014967 |
I.13487 |
Double Vision / |
Celmins, Vija |
41 |
10010779 |
I.9846 |
Drawing people : the human figure in contemporary art / |
Malbert, Roger. |
42 |
10010254 |
I.10362 |
Early Netherlandish, Dutch, Flemish and Belgian paintings 1494-1983 in the collections of the National Museum in Warsaw and the Palace at Nieborów complete illustrated summary catalogue. Vol. 1, Signed and attributed paintings / |
43 |
10010251 |
I.10363 |
Early Netherlandish, Dutch, Flemish and Belgian paintings 1494-1983 in the collections of the National Museum in Warsaw and the Palace at Nieborów complete illustrated summary catalogue. Vol. 2, Anonymous artists : bibliography, appenices, index of names / |
44 |
10008576 |
I.9012 |
Ed Ruscha / |
Marshall, Richard, 1947- |
45 |
10003508 |
I.4328 |
Ein Wald der Skulpturen : Sammlung Simon Spierer / |
Wald |
46 |
10010963 |
I.9671 |
Exactitude : hyperrealist art today / |
Taylor, John Russell. |
47 |
10004154 |
I.4911 |
Figurama '04 / |
48 |
10004153 |
I.4912 |
Figurama '05 / |
49 |
10004601 |
I.5172 |
Figurama '06 / |
50 |
10008326 |
I.9263 |
Figurama '11 / |
51 |
10008324 |
I.9264 |
Figurama '12 / |
Pokorny, Karel |
52 |
10008321 |
I.9266 |
Figurama '13 / |
Pokorny, Karel |
53 |
10012610 |
I.11491 |
Figurama '18 / |
Jirku, Boris. |
54 |
10013141 |
I.11980 |
Figurama '19 |
55 |
10005315 |
I.5879 |
Figurama 07 / |
56 |
10006908 |
I.6759 |
Figurama 09 / |
Tulinger, Tomas |
57 |
10006703 |
I.6961 |
Figurama 10 / |
Boris, Jirku |
58 |
10010430 |
I.10186 |
Figurama 16 / |
59 |
10004155 |
I.4910 |
Figurama 2003 / |
60 |
10008784 |
I.8814 |
Film architecture : set designs from Metropolis to Blade runner / |
Neumann, Dietrich. |
61 |
10008466 |
I.9129 |
Francis Alys / |
Medina, Cuauhtemoc. |
62 |
10011901 |
I.10989 |
Frank Stella / |
Campbell, Adrianna |
63 |
10010958 |
I.9676 |
Frozen Dreams : Contemporary Art from Russia / |
Amirsadeghi, Hossein Red. |
64 |
10005193 |
I.5737 |
Galeria Narodowa w Londynie : arcydzieła malarstwa / |
Gentili, Augusto. |
65 |
10006503 |
I.7131 |
Gender check : feminity and masculinity in the art of Eastern Europe / |
66 |
10014986 |
I.13506 |
Groundswell : women of land art / |
Arnold, Leigh A. |
67 |
10013706 |
I.12304 |
Häuser / |
Zsaitsits, Stefan. |
68 |
10008348 |
I.9241 |
Hieronim Bosch / |
Fraenger, Wilhelm |
69 |
10014895 |
I.13415 |
Hieronymus Bosch : The Complete Works / |
Fischer, Stefan |
70 |
10014982 |
I.13502 |
Hilma af Klint : paintings for the future / |
Bashkoff, Tracey. |
71 |
10011396 |
I.10495 |
Historia obrazów : od ściany jaskini do ekranu komputera / |
Hockney, David |
72 |
10004063 |
I.4853 |
Historia rysunku : od Altamiry do Picassa / |
Pignatti, Terisio |
73 |
10004237 |
I.5004 |
Hockney's portraits and people / |
Hockney, David. |
74 |
10013707 |
I.12305 |
Homunculi / |
Zsaitsits, Stefan. |
75 |
10006798 |
I.6848 |
Ikony w Polsce : od średniowiecza do współczesności / |
Janocha, Michał |
76 |
10004565 |
I.5318 |
Jarosław Modzelewski : obrazy 1977-2006 / |
Kurzac, Małgorzata |
77 |
10008577 |
I.9010 |
Jenny Holzer / |
Joselit, David. |
78 |
10014681 |
I.13216 |
Judy Chicago Herstory / |
79 |
10011939 |
I.11027 |
Kerry James Marschall / |
Marshall, Kerry James. |
80 |
10014768 |
I.13297 |
Kimsou : Harmonisme / |
81 |
10008963 |
I.8554 |
Land and environmental art / |
Kastner, Jeffrey. |
82 |
10013028 |
I.11873 |
Le grand cours de dessin / |
Szunyoghy, Andras. |
83 |
10013108 |
I.11951 |
Leksykon malarstwa od A do Z / |
84 |
10008575 |
I.9011 |
Luc Tuymans / |
Tuymans, Luc, 1958- |
85 |
10004177 |
I.4892 |
Malarstwo gotyckie w Polsce. 1, Synteza / |
86 |
10004174 |
I.4893 |
Malarstwo gotyckie w Polsce. 2, Katalog zabytków / |
87 |
10004173 |
I.4894 |
Malarstwo gotyckie w Polsce. 3, Album ilustracji / |
88 |
10010716 |
I.9906 |
Malarstwo polskie : Gotyk. Renesans. Wczesny manieryzm / |
Walicki, Michał. |
89 |
10010713 |
I.9907 |
Malarstwo polskie : między wojnami 1918-1939 / |
Pollakówna, Joanna |
90 |
10010711 |
I.9909 |
Malarstwo polskie : manieryzm, barok / |
Walicki, Michał |
91 |
10010714 |
I.9908 |
Malarstwo polskie : modernizm / |
Juszczak, Wiesław. |
92 |
10010709 |
I.9911 |
Malarstwo polskie. Oświecenie, klasycyzm, romantyzm / |
Kozakiewicz, Stefan |
93 |
10010712 |
I.9910 |
Malarstwo polskie. Romantyzm, historyzm, realizm / |
Ryszkiewicz, Andrzej |
94 |
10012823 |
I.11685 |
Marcel Duchamp : 100 Questions. 100 Answers / |
95 |
10007120 |
I.6579 |
Marina Abramovic / |
Stiles, Kristine |
96 |
10011904 |
I.10992 |
Mark Tobey : Threading Light / |
Balken, Debra Bricker. |
97 |
10004622 |
I.5234 |
Martin Kippenberger / |
Krystof, Doris. Red. |
98 |
10010877 |
I.9756 |
Masterpieces in Detail. Vol. 1, From Antiquity to the Renaissance / |
Marie, Rose |
99 |
10010875 |
I.9757 |
Masterpieces in Detail. Vol. 2, From Rembrandt to Rivera / |
Marie, Rose |
100 |
10012290 |
I.11303 |
Materiały malarskie i ich zastosowanie / |
Doerner, Max |
101 |
10011905 |
I.10993 |
México 1900–1950: Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, José Clemente Orozco, and the Avant-Garde / |
Arteaga, Agustín. |
102 |
10007141 |
I.8426 |
Michał Anioł 1475-1564 : Życie i twórczość / |
Zollner, Frank |
103 |
10008461 |
I.9133 |
Michelangelo : drawings : closer to the master / |
Chapman, Hugo |
104 |
10011906 |
I.10994 |
Mimmo Paladino / |
Celant, Germano. |
105 |
10001436 |
I.3440 |
Minimalism / |
Meyer, James. Red. |
106 |
10008464 |
I.9131 |
Mona Hatoum / |
Archer, Michael, 1954- |
107 |
10005197 |
I.5738 |
Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie : arcydzieła malarstwa / |
Muzeum Narodowe |
108 |
10004741 |
I.5472 |
Nadprzyrodzone. [1] / |
109 |
10011018 |
I.9616 |
Nature morte : contemporary artists reinvigorate the still life / |
Petry, Michael. |
110 |
10010961 |
I.9673 |
Neo Rauch / |
Holzwarth, Hans Werner |
111 |
10011010 |
I.9624 |
New Vision : Arab Contemporary Art in the 21st Century / |
Amirsadeghi, Hossein Red. |
112 |
10004743 |
I.5470 |
Nierzeczywiste / |
Malraux, André |
113 |
10011421 |
I.10520 |
Nigel Cooke / |
114 |
10010847 |
I.9783 |
Nordic contemporary / |
Amirsadeghi, Hossein. |
115 |
10014765 |
I.13294 |
Object & Idea: Takbon in Printmaking / |
Dong Chul , Ha |
116 |
10008457 |
I.9123 |
Olafur Eliasson / |
Grynsztejn, Madeleine. |
117 |
10011907 |
I.10995 |
Oskar Schlemmer : Visions of a New World / |
118 |
10006606 |
I.7056 |
Painting abstraction : new elements in abstract painting / |
Nickas, Robert. |
119 |
10010781 |
I.9845 |
Painting beyond Pollock / |
Falconer, Morgan, |
120 |
10011012 |
I.9623 |
Painting People : the state of the art / |
Mullins, Charlotte |
121 |
10007846 |
I.7765 |
Painting today / |
Godfrey, Tony. |
122 |
10008573 |
I.9013 |
Paweł Althamer / |
Kurzmeyer, Roman |
123 |
10008355 |
I.9142 |
Peter Doig / |
Doig, Peter, 1959- |
124 |
10010780 |
I.9847 |
Picturing People : the new state of the art / |
Mullins, Charlotte |
125 |
10007200 |
I.8369 |
Pierre Bonnard / |
Ciuha, Delia |
126 |
10014980 |
I.13500 |
Pieter Bruegel : The Complete Works / |
Müller, Jürgen. |
127 |
10014680 |
I.13215 |
Plastic World / |
128 |
10014939 |
I.13459 |
Po stronie zwierząt / |
Horta, Oscar |
129 |
10007145 |
I.8423 |
Polish! : Contemporary Art From Poland / |
Branicka, Monika. Red. |
130 |
10006242 |
I.7354 |
Polski street art / |
Dymna, Elżbieta. |
131 |
10004742 |
I.5471 |
Ponadczasowe. [3] / |
132 |
10008463 |
I.9132 |
Raymond Pettibon / |
Storr, Robert. |
133 |
10014276 |
I.12851 |
Richard Long : many rivers to cross / |
Long, Richard. |
134 |
10014277 |
I.12852 |
Richard Long : Walking the Line / |
Long, Richard (1945- ) |
135 |
10013053 |
I.11898 |
Rysunek artystyczny : historia, pracownia, materiały, techniki, tematy, teoria i praktyka / |
Parramón, José Maria. |
136 |
10011422 |
I.10521 |
Sarah Sze / |
Buchloh, B. H. D., |
137 |
10010244 |
I.10372 |
Sąd : "Sąd Ostateczny" Hansa Memlinga = Judgment : "The Last Judgment" by Hans Memling / |
138 |
10001716 |
I.3303 |
Sculpture : from Antiquity to the Present Day : from the Eighth Century BC to the Twentieth Century / |
Duby, Gerges. Red. |
139 |
10006854 |
I.6791 |
Sculpture Today / |
Collins, Judith |
140 |
10011423 |
I.10522 |
Simon Starling / |
141 |
10011424 |
I.10523 |
Stephen Shore / |
Shore, Stephen. |
142 |
10014694 |
I.13229 |
Street art : Polska / |
Kwiatkowski, Paweł |
143 |
10012110 |
I.11154 |
Strokes of genius 9 : the best of drawing : creative discoveries / |
144 |
10011903 |
I.10991 |
Summer Julian Schnabel : Paintiings 1976-2007 / |
Moss, David. Red. |
145 |
10002336 |
I.3604 |
Techniki wielkich mistrzów malarstwa / |
Anfam, David A. |
146 |
10011427 |
I.10526 |
Teoria widzenia / |
Strzemiński, Władysław |
147 |
10011013 |
I.9620 |
The art of participation : 1950 to now / |
Frieling, Rudolf, 1956- |
148 |
10003597 |
I.4403 |
The Artist's Body / |
Warr, Tracey. Red. |
149 |
10014991 |
I.13511 |
The Detour of Identity / |
Horn, Roni |
150 |
10014987 |
I.13507 |
The museum as muse : artists reflect / |
McShine, Kynaston. |
151 |
10008748 |
I.8842 |
The naked nude / |
Borzello, Frances. |
152 |
10004485 |
I.5230 |
The Portrait Now / |
Nairne, Sandy |
153 |
10008783 |
I.8813 |
The power of fantasy : modern and contemporary art from Poland : [on the occasion of the Exhibition The Power of Fantasy - Modern and Contemporary Art from Poland, Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, 24.06. - 18.09.2011] / |
Crowley, David |
154 |
10010851 |
I.9781 |
The sacred made real : Spanish painting and sculpture, 1600-1700 / |
Bray, Xavier. |
155 |
10014767 |
I.13296 |
The Thirty Years of Printmaking by Bong Tae Kim / |
Bong Tae, Kim |
156 |
10010783 |
I.9842 |
The twenty first century art book / |
Griffin, Jonathan, |
157 |
10011425 |
I.10524 |
Theaster Gates / |
Becker, Carol, |
158 |
10014637 |
I.13173 |
Titian : prince of painters / |
Titian, |
159 |
10011930 |
I.11018 |
Tour Paris 13 : l'evenement street art / |
Ben Cheikh, Mehdi. |
160 |
10009091 |
I.8508 |
Tresspass : a history of uncommisssioned urban art / |
Seno, Ethel |
161 |
10010960 |
I.9674 |
Unleashed : Contemporary Art from Turkey / |
Amirsadeghi, Hossein Red. |
162 |
10006607 |
I.7055 |
Unmonumental : the object in the 21st century / |
Hasting, Julia |
163 |
10004225 |
I.5018 |
Vanessa Beecroft : Photographs, Films, Drawings / |
Kunsthalle Bielefeld |
164 |
10014904 |
I.13424 |
Velázquez : the complete works / |
López-Rey, José |
165 |
10014974 |
I.13494 |
Ver Sacrum : The Vienna Secession art magazine 1898-1903 : Gustav Klimt, Koloman Moser, Otto Wagner, Alfred Roller, Max Kurzweil, Joseph M. Olbrich, Josef Hoffman / |
Terraroli, Valerio. |
166 |
10006813 |
I.6832 |
Vitamin 3-D : New Perspectives in Sculpture and Installation / |
Goggin, James |
167 |
10014729 |
I.13264 |
Vitamin C+ : collage in contemporary art / |
168 |
10008757 |
I.8832 |
Vitamin D2 : new perspectives in drawing / |
169 |
10004097 |
I.4997 |
Vitamin P : New Perspectives in Painting / |
Schwabsky, Barry. Wstęp. |
170 |
10007204 |
I.8364 |
Vitamin P 2 : new perspectives in painting / |
Press, Phaidon |
171 |
10011662 |
I.10761 |
Vitamin P 3 : new perspectives in painting / |
172 |
10013002 |
I.11847 |
Vitamin T : threads and textiles in contemporary art / |
173 |
10014894 |
I.13414 |
Vitamin txt : words in contemporary art / |
174 |
10010848 |
I.9784 |
Walk the line : the art of drawing / |
Valli, Marc |
175 |
10012111 |
I.11155 |
Walled City : the art of the mural / |
176 |
10005222 |
I.5739 |
Wenecja : arcydzieła malarstwa / |
Nepi Sciré, Giovanna. |
177 |
10008496 |
I.9091 |
Wilhelm Sasnal / |
Eichler, Dominic |
178 |
10011645 |
I.10744 |
Words are all we have : paintings by Jean-Michael Basquiat / |
179 |
10008486 |
I.9101 |
World scenography 1975 -1990 / |
McKinnon, Peter |
180 |
10011426 |
I.10525 |
Yin Xiuzhen / |
Wu Hung, |
181 |
10010252 |
I.10364 |
Żyć sztuką : kolekcja sztuki współczesnej Muzeum im. Jacka Malczewskiego w Radomiu : malarstwo, rysunek, rzeźba, grafika, fotografia, obiekty = Living for art : contemporary art collection at the Jacek Malczewski Museum in Radom : painting, drawing, sculpture, graphic |
Szewczuk, Mieczysław |