

Zawartość półki

Nr   Kod kreskowy Nr inw. Tytuł Autor
1   10001711 I.3255 [Tysiąc] 1000 Chairs / Fiell, Charlotte
2   10011371 I.10470 100 contemporary green buildings /
3   10001742 I.3323 1900s, 1910s Decorative Art / Charlotte, Fiell. Red.
4   10001713 I.3324 20s Decorative Art / Fiell, Charlotte. Red.
5   10001757 I.3325 30s, 40s Decorative Art / Charlotte, Fiell. Red.
6   10001714 I.3326 60s Decorative Art / Charlotte, Fiell. Red.
7   10001715 I.3327 70s Decorative Art / Charlotte, Fiell. Red.
8   10011941 I.11029 A new history of modern architecture / Davies, Colin
9   10013083 I.11926 Alien : The Blueprints / Langride, Graham J.
10   10006316 I.7339 Architecture Now! : 7 / Jodidio, Philip
11   10006504 I.7132 Atlas najnowszej architektury krajobrazu / Sánchez Vidiella, Àlex
12   10012392 I.11323 Biomimetics for designers : applying nature's processes and materials in the real world / Kapsali, Veronika.
13   10003211 I.4062 Colani : the Complete Oeuvre /
14   10012925 I.11772 Creative Design for Home : A Collection of Creative Furniture and Household Items /
15   10010844 I.9787 Creative workshop : 80 challenges to sharpen your design skills / Sherwin, David.
16   10001731 I.3331 Design : of the 20th Century / Fiell, Peter
17   10007148 I.8420 Design : historia wzornictwa / Sparke, Penny
18   10002357 I.3632 Design 1940-1990 : wzornictwo i projektowanie / Guidot, Raymond.
19   10010380 I.10235 Design 32 : najlepsze dyplomy projektowe Akademii Sztuk Pięknych 2015, 8-30 kwietnia 2016 : 8 Akademii Sztuk Pięknych : 4 najlepsze dyplomy projektowe z każdej uczelni = Design 32 : Academy of Fine Arts best design diploma 2015, April 8-30, 2013 [!] : 8 Academies of
20   10012973 I.11818 Design for children : play, ride, learn, eat, create, sit, sleep / Birks, Kimberlie.
21   10012927 I.11774 Designs of our time : Beazley Designs of the Year /
22   10006139 I.7474 Desire : the shape of things to come / Klanten, Robert.
23   10010985 I.9649 Dizajn dla realnego świata : środowisko człowieka i zmiana społeczna / Papanek, Victor J.
24   10013930 I.12520 Dizajn na co dzień / Norman, Donald A.
25   10008583 I.9003 Drawing for product designers / Henry, Kevin
26   10012978 I.11823 Drawing school fundamentals for beginner /
27   10012665 I.11543 Ettore Sottsass : The Glass /
28   10014533 I.13087 Fascinating Glass : The Renate and Dietrich Götze Collection /
29   10006859 I.6777 Grand Stand 2 les than 500 m2 : design for trade fair stands. 1 / Willems, Marlous
30   10006857 I.6778 Grand Stand 2 more than 500m2 : design for trade fair stands / Willems, Marlous
31   10014143 I.12720 Graphics for Urban Design / Meeda, Bally.
32   10006170 I.7444 History of modern design / Raizman, David Seth.
33   10008969 I.8627 Ikony Dizajnu w województwie śląskim / Kozina, Irma
34   10001741 I.3341 Industrial Design A-Z / Fiell, Peter
35   10010504 I.10121 Informacja jest piękna / McCandless, David
36   10003006 I.3973 Inicjacje : o sztuce, projektowaniu i kształceniu projektantów / Pawłowski, Andrzej
37   10008719 I.8870 Katowicka moderna 1927-1939 : Katowice modernist architecture 1927-1939 / Oslislo, Zofia. Oprac.
38   10008150 I.7511 Konstantin Grcic Industrial Design / Bohm, Florian
39   10006768 I.6899 Manufacturing processes for design professionals / Thompson, Rob
40   10014534 I.13088 Materials encyclopedia for creatives /
41   10010998 I.9636 Miasta dla ludzi / Gehl, Jan
42   10012931 I.11778 Michel Buffet : Un esthete dans le monde industriel = An aesthete in the industrial world / Delaporte, Guillemette.
43   10012057 I.11111 Modernizmy : architektura nowoczesności w II Rzeczypospolitej. T. 2, Katowice i województwo śląskie /
44   10011698 I.10786 New nordic gardens : scandinavian landscape design / Zetterman, Annika.
45   10008113 I.7522 Office ergonomics / Kroemer, Karl
46   10009123 I.8476 Orientation & identity : portraits of international way finding systems = Porträts internationaler Leitsysteme / Bauer, Erwin K.
47   10009065 I.8535 Out of the ordinary : Polish designers of the 20th century / Frejlich, Czesława. Red.
48   10004362 I.5072 Phaidon Design Classics. T. 1, 001-333 /
49   10004361 I.5073 Phaidon Design Classics. T. 2, 334-666 /
50   10004368 I.5074 Phaidon Design Classics. T. 3, 667-999 /
51   10012137 I.11178 Piotr Stachlewski : Przestrzenie tożsamości / Stachlewski, Piotr Robert
52   10011707 I.10795 Plywood a Material Story / Wilk, Christopher.
53   10006652 I.7010 Podręcznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego : podstawy, normy, przepisy dotyczące planowania, budowy, kształtowania architektonicznego, potrzebnych przestrzeni i związków miedzy nimi, wymiarów budynków i pomieszczeń / Neufert, Ernst
54   10008189 I.9401 Polish design : uncut / Frejlich, Czesława
55   10012114 I.11158 Postmodern design complete / Gura, Judith.
56   10006317 I.7338 Product design in the sustainable era / Reis, Dalcacio
57   10012642 I.11520 Products that last : Product design for circular business models / Backer, Conny.
58   10010870 I.9763 Research methods for product design / Milton, Alex
59   10008655 I.8932 Rzeczy niepospolite : polscy projektanci XX wieku / Frejlich, Czesława. Red.
60   10014679 I.13214 Sculpting light : 500 lamps / Toromanoff, Agata.
61   10012643 I.11521 Signage Design Manual / Smitshuijzen, Edo
62   10012993 I.11838 Sketching : the basics / Eissen, Koos.
63   10012994 I.11839 Sketching : product design presentation / Eissen, Koos.
64   10000168 I.3400 Spoon /
65   10001709 I.3308 Starck / Philippi, Simone. Red.
66   10001668 I.3458 Swiss Furniture and Interiors in the 20th Century / Rüegg, Arthur. Red.
67   10010511 I.10113 Sztuka budowania / Knothe, Jan
68   10014851 I.13376 Techniki ceramiki artystycznej / Rada, Pravoslav
69   10011700 I.10788 The materials sourcebook for design professionals / Thompson, Rob.
70   10010842 I.9789 The practical guide to information design / Lipton, Ronnie.
71   10009121 I.8478 The wayfinding handbook : information design for public places / Gibson, David, 1950-
72   10010878 I.9755 Universal methods of design : 100 ways to research complex problems, develop innovative ideas, and design effective solutions / Martin, Bella.
73   10010508 I.10117 Urbanistyka / Le Corbusier
74   10011937 I.11025 Vitamin C : Clay + Ceramic in Contemporary Art / Elderton, Louisa.
75   10010979 I.9655 Vitamin green / Goldsmith, Sara.
76   10006685 I.6968 Wayfinding : design and implement graphic navigational systems / Berger, Craig
77   10008453 I.9139 Wayshowing - Wayfinding : basic & interactive / Mollerup, Per
78   10011082 I.9553 Zaprojektowane : polski dizajn 2003-2013 / Frejlich, Czesława